LScript User Guide
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LScript Language Structure

Language Keywords

The following table shows the keywords in the LScript language. Most of them will be familiar if you have done C or C++ programming. Although there are comparatively few, teaching you the usage of each keyword in any significant detail goes beyond the current scope of this document. The section on Control Structures, found later in this document, will briefly cover selected keywords. Information on the operators listed below can be found in any basic C programming manual.

For LScript's C-like syntax, the following keywords and operators are used:

     if             else           while          pragma
     var            break          switch         case
     library        const          continue       return
     True/true      False/false    Nil/nil        =
     +              -              *              /
     ==             !=             <=             >=
     +=             -=             *=             /=
     ++             --             ||             &&
     !              %              &              ^
     <<             >>             |=             ^=

LScript also allows you to use AREXX-like keywords in constructing your scripts:

     begin          end            then           do
     to             select         when           by

Examples of this alternate syntax can be found in the LScript example script

Comments In LScript

You can embed comments into your LScripts using standard C/C++ syntax. Single lines can be commented with the C++- standard double-slash:

     jitter(1.5);  // make it uniformly ugly
Alternatively, multiple lines can be commented using the C- standard '/*' '*/' token pair:


Control Structures

Control structures in LScript provide the script programmer the facilities to design structured programs. These control structures are documented in the following sections.


The if operator allows the LScript to make decisions about what should be executed. This operator supports two different styles of syntax. The first is identical to C:

     if((f.eof() == false) && (size(tokens) > 1) &&
        (tokens[1] == "Plugin"))
         info(tokens[1]," ",tokens[2]);
The second style is similar to AREXX:

     if f.eof() == false and
        size(tokens) > 1 and
        tokens[1] == "Plugin" then
         info(tokens[1]," ",tokens[2]));
If operators that host more than one executable statement must house those statements inside a block control, identical in structure to that used by user-defined procedures.

     if(file == nil)
         error("Cannot create scene file ",sceneFile);
or, alternately,

     if file == nil then
         error("Cannot create scene file ",sceneFile);
If operators can facilitate "either/or" situations through the use of an else clause. The else clause follows the executable statement (or block control) for the if operator:

         file.writeln("LensFlare 1");
         file.writeln("LensFlare 0");


The while operator provides looping capabilities within LScript. It will execute a statement, or sequence of statements if they are inclosed within a block control, as long as a condition evaluates to a boolean true value. This control takes the form:

     while ( /boolean expression/ )
As with if, LScript also allows the script programmer to use an alternate syntax for while that is similar to AREXX:

     while /boolean expression/ do
There are two LScript commands that allow the script programmer to effect the flow of looping controls: break and continue. Each of these commands are discussed in sections found later in this document.


Similar to while, the for operator also provides looping control within LScript. However, while provides limited control of the looping construct, performing only the evaluation of the conditional expression. The for operator differs in that it provides for pre-loop initialization and post-loop code execution in addition to the evaluation of the looping condition. The C version of for takes the form:

     for ( /init/ ; /expr/ ; /post/ )
LScript also allows this simpler, AREXX-like form of the for operator:

     for /var/ = /expr/ to /expr/ [ by /expr/ ] do
In either format, any variables used by the for loop operator must have been previously declared before being used.


LScript offers the script programmer a structured selection mechanism, identical to its C counterpart. The switch operator provides for the selection of code execution based upon the numeric value of an expression:

     switch ( /expression/ )
         case /number/ :

Again, LScript offers an AREXX-like version of this selection mechanism through the use of the select operator. However, unlike the switch operator, whose selection criteria is limited solely to numeric values, the select control allows whole expressions to be evaluated in determining the code to execute:

         when /expression/ then do

inline select

The inline select operator (?:) allows you to select one of two alternatives based on a condition. This "shorthand" form of the select operator is identical to that provided by C, and takes the form:

     /boolean expression/ ? /true select/ : /false select/
This operator can be use just about anyplace an expression can appear in LScript. For example,

         j = 1;
         info("result is ",(j == 1 ? "yes" : "no"));


The break command, mentioned earlier, will prematurely terminate a looping control in LScript. Should either a while or for operator encounter a break within their domain, they will immediately cycle to the next LScript statement following the end of their loop control.

Consider the following example:

         if(j == 10)
             break;      // line 4


     info("j == ", j);        // line 9
In the preceding example, upon encountering the break in line #4, LScript would cause the while loop to terminate, and would set its internal program counter to the executable statement on line #9 (info()).


continue is another command within LScript that can effect the flow of execution of a looping operator. Whereas break caused program execution to continue with the next LScript code line following the loop, the continue command will cause a loop operator to behave as though it had reached the end of its control loop. The continue command is very similar to a goto command with the target being the top of the control loop.

In the case of while, the condition upon which the control loop is based is once again evaluated, and program execution continues from there.

In the case of a for loop, the post-loop code is evaluated, and the condition upon which the control loop is based is re- evaluated. Program execution continues from that point.

 continue;  // uh oh! an infinite loop!

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© 1997 NewTek, Inc.